by: Grant Photography - Evin

Friday, May 30, 2008

Slacker Jacker

I want to apologize. I'm sorry, I mean like REALLY sorry. Sorry to the 3-4 people that actually try to keep up with what is going on. I'm over a week behind on my YouTube videos, so more like 2-3 weeks (but I did make a video Wednesday explaining my absence).

I know I've been slacking on my poetry as well, but last week I did 1 poem a day, and I also created a poem yesterday. So for those that are behind, it will give you time to catch up (Click Here To Read Poems). Also with my Photography, I'm not out and about as I once was, so I have been slacking. But recently I did go to W.B. Umstead park in Raleigh, NC and good about 142 photos. I think about 27 were actually published.

So if you look in the left hand column and view my "Updates" section, you should see the latest photos. Make sure you check out any other's while you are there.

I should hopefully be back onto photography and YouTube videos soon. That also means I expect you to show support in those areas as well as reading this blog.

But I have been slacking because I have be busy and preoccupied for the past month almost, so I haven't had the time to "Vlog" or do photography. Also because it takes $100,000 to fill up my gas tank, I haven't been trying to drive too much to go take pictures. But give me time, and I'll have everything in order. I did make a video on this past Wednesday, so you can go view that, I just haven't gotten back into the swing of things, so I can't just say I'm back making videos. I might have another this weekend, probably Saturday, or wait and post it Monday and just make it this weekend. I don't know, just watch and see.

Also, I am reducing my blogs, ONCE AGAIN! I am no longer going to write a day once a day, for 5 days a week. Not only is it a lot on me, it is also a lot on my readers that don't check my blogs often (once a month is not often - 2-3 times a week is often - once a week, I'll let slide. You can check your e-mail everyday, but can't stop to read a paragraph of a blog twice a week? What a shame). I am structuring my blogs to a minimum of 3 a week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This will be starting next week on Monday, June 2, 2008.

Yet, if there is something that I feel needs to be addressed on a day other than those 3, I will do so accordingly. For the most part, expect new blogs on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Giving my 4 readers the time to read and also COMMENT (which many of you are not doing!!!). I don't expect a long drawn out synopsis of how you feel based on what you read. Just a snippet of an idea is fine. Is something sparks your thoughts, write a lot. That is what the comment space is for, your comments and responses. Respond to each other comments, I don't care, just use the dang on comment box.

Moving on, I will have more time for my poems, videos, and photography soon. Be patient and Pay Attention!

That is all.
Now run along and play.


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